10 Twitter Chats to Be a Part Of


You can’t always meet with fellow Twitter users over coffee, unless you’re both attending a Twitter Chat. These chats make it easy for people to connect in a LIVE setting and talk about their industry, without having to fly halfway across the world. Using 140 characters or less, Twitter Chat participants meet at a scheduled time each week and discuss best practices, hear from experts, and respond to a community.

Each organized chat group has one to two, if not more, hosts to help monitor the conversation and ensure everyone stays on topic. There is a designated hashtag for chat groups that gives attendees a stream to follow along with, as well. Think book club meets debate club on Twitter, and you’ll understand Twitter Chats.

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Not that our schedules weren’t chaotic enough, but Twitter Chats are worth taking the time to participate in. Business and connection opportunities lie inside of each Twitter Chat, and almost always come with guarantee that you will learn something new. With a field ever-developing as digital marketing is, you want your thinking cap to always be on and growing.

Increase your marketing knowledge while cyber meeting new people in the industry by participating in a few of the Twitter Chats below.


Sundays at 8:00pm Central

One of Twitter’s most popular chats, #BlogChat focuses on anything and everything related to blogging and has had as many as 6,000 tweets in one evening of #BlogChat. Occasionally, the topic will be about personalized blogging issues, whereas other topics focus on how to optimize blog content for SEO. If you’re able to clear your calendar on Sunday nights, this is one Twitter chat you’ll be happy to be a part of.

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Mondays at 9:00pm EST

#SocialChat is hosted by social media gurus Alan K’necht, Michelle Stinson Ross, Andreea Cojocariu, and Kevin Mullett. Each week they feature a different social media topic and usually a guest speaker for #SocialChat attendees to pick their brains with. Gain insights to social media secrets, in-depth analytics, and best practices with this chat group.


Tuesdays at 12:00pm EST

Content Marketing World chats each Tuesday at noon and features a different content marketing expert each week. Their Twitter Chat is focused primarily on content marketing and covers a wide range of content-focused topics. Here’s a list of their upcoming hosts and topics:

  • 07/19/16:  The State of Content Marketing – 150th Chat with Joe Pulizzi (@joepulizzi)
  • 07/26/16:  Getting more from your (small) team with Vishal Khanna (@bediscontent)
  • 08/02/16: The Human Economy & content marketing with Bryan Kramer (@bryankramer)
  • 08/09/16:  Becoming a better writer with Ann Handley (@annhandley)
  • 08/16/16:  Using global insights to produce content marketing gold with Tim Hayden (@thetimhayden)
  • 08/23/16:  Content marketing agencies with Lee Odden (@leeodden)
  • 08/30/16:  Making the most of an event through apps with Laura Kozak (@lalakoz)
  • 09/06/16: No Chat Today – follow the #CMWorld hashtag all week while we are at Content Marketing World!


Wednesdays at 11:00am EST

Always looking for ways to improve your brand? Log into Twitter Wednesday mornings to learn strategy tips and review case studies from a large group of branding experts. #BrandChat is so big the chat group has named participants BRANDido’s and has a glossary of branded terms for newbies to use during the chat.


Wednesdays at 11:00am EST

Their topics primarily focus on social media and advertising, but occasionally will cover SEO and content tips, as well. If you miss a chat one week, SEMrush makes it easy to quickly catch up and see what the chat was about through their recap blog posts.

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Wednesdays at 12:00pm EST

Buffer, a social media management tool, hosts #BufferChat weekly and discusses everything social media related. Questions are posted before each chat so attendees have a clear expectation of what the chat will be about each week. You can view this week’s schedule here.


Wednesdays at 8:00pm EST

Manage accounts for small businesses? Take part in this chat each Wednesday evening to gain a better perspective of small businesses and the struggles owners are currently facing. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your clientele, while being readily available to offer tips and advice for small businesses marketing.


Thursdays at 1:00pm EST

Need a quick answer to a SEO question? Stop by the #SEOChat on Twitter Thursday afternoons and ask away. The SEO-focused group is made of not only SEO professionals, but business owners and marketers trying to crack the SEO code.

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Thursdays at 1:30pm PST

This chat group covers more than just SEO and discusses a wide range of trending digital marketing topics. OrganikSEO, the host of #OrganikChat is a digital marketing agency based in San Diego and reaches out to not only the local community to participate in the Twitter Chat, but digital marketers from all realms of the world.

Having Trouble Following Along?

If you’ve ever participated in a Twitter Chat before then you’ve quickly realized how difficult it can be to follow along. Depending upon the amount of participants, tweets can be populated every second, requiring a lot of page refreshing. In order to not fall behind in a Twitter Chat, try using tweet platforms like TweetChat or tchat.io. Both of these platforms are designed to make participating in Twitter Chats easier for attendees, hosts, and guest speakers.

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